Preservationist – $5,000 – $10,000
Protector of the Places and Stories Honor the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt:
“There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country.”
As a Preservationist contributor, your gift will support:
- The NWCCHT annual cooperative marketing and promotional plan inclusive of all five counties and eighteen communities of the region. The annual plan includes, but is not limited to the Colorado Visitor Guide Cooperative Ad.
- Cooperative Advertising in regional community visitor guides and lifestyle magazines.
- Regional and national media deemed appropriate and effective to engage cultural travels to region.
- Review, editing and reprinting of educational and/ or promotional materials for the program. This includes distribution to over 40 visitor and travel centers in Colorado.
Preservationist Benefits:
- Prominent recognition as Preservationist partner on
- Name /logo recognition on printed educational, promotional and advertising materials.
- Recognition at NWCCHT Annual Meeting.
- Unlimited access to NWCCHT educational and/ or promotional materials.
Heritage! Interpreter – $500 – $999
Translator of our Heritage Assets and Stories
In the words of renowned teachers Will and Ariel Durant: “The present is the past rolled up for action, and the past is the present unrolled for understanding.”
As an Interpreter Contributor, your gift will support:
- Interpreter Projects – Assist with annual printing and distribution of marketing materials.
- Quarterly Regional meetings of NWCCHT Steering Committee.
- Organizational development including strategic planning to assure long term sustainability of program.
Interpreter Benefits:
- Recognition as an Interpreter Partner on our website
- Recognition at NWCCHT Annual Meeting.
- Access to NWCCHT educational and/or promotional materials.
Explorer – $1,000 – $2,499
Seeker of the Places and Stories of Northwest Colorado
Celebrate the legacy of the great explorer John Wesley Powell by mapping and creating itineraries and journeys:
“We have an unknown distance yet to run, an unknown river to explore. What falls there are, we know not; what rocks beset the channel, we know not; what walls ride over the river, we know not…we may conjecture many things…”
As an Explorer contributor, your gift will support the research, mapping and itinerary development for traveling the region; the findings will be posted on our website.
Explorer Benefits:
- Recognition as an Explorer partner on our website
- Name or logo recognition on your specific maps and itineraries posted:
- Recognition at NWCCHT Annual Meeting.
- Access to NWCCHT educational and/or promotional materials.
Conservationist – $2,500 – $4,999
Protector of landscapes and ways of life
Continue the foresight of Conservationist Arthur Carhart:
“There are a number of places with scenic values of such great worth that they are rightfully the property of all people. They should be preserved for all time…Trappers Lake is unquestionably a candidate…”
As a Conservationist contributor, your gift will support:
- Ongoing research, writing and posting in the NWCCHT Newsletter and Blogs on our website.
Conservationist Benefits:
- Recognition as conservationist partner on our website:
- Name or logo recognition on our Newsletter blogs posted on
- Recognition at the NWCCHT Annual Meeting.
- Access to NWCCHT educational and/or promotional materials.
Make A Match!
Matchmaker for the sharing of places and ways of life
“I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. George Bernard Shaw
Every year the Northwest Colorado Cultural Heritage has the ability to seek grant funding for educational and community projects. These opportunities from foundations, creative and travel agencies and individuals are project specific and require, traditionally, a 1:1 dollar cash match. Participation by regional organizations helps to cover a portion of these matching funds, but the scale of these projects warrant additional funding support. Projects are prioritized.
2013-14 Grant Projects
Garfield County Community Gateway Sign Match–$4,500
Design, fabrication and installation of seven community gateway signs in communities of Garfield County. The signs are double sided. The regional panel includes a map and general information while the community panel is customized for significant history, heritage icons and directional information for each community. Design image is available.
Ways of Life Short Video Match–$5,000
Ten short videos featuring the forces of nature and ways of life in northwest Colorado. Videos will be used as educational tools for Colorado history classes in the region, posted on our website:, and offered to all participating community and visitor organization in the Northwest Colorado Cultural Heritage Tourism program for public use.
2013 –2014 Program Development Objectives
- Ongoing Fundraising for operations, community and educational projects.
- Website Development – Increase Blog, Newsletter, and featured Itineraries in partnership with Tall Poppies Web Design.
- Develop and implement Collateral and Media plan for 2014.
- Develop 2014 Operational & Program Budget of $80,000 to fund collateral, media and advertising.
- Complete organizational structure, Board of Directors and documents for establishment of recognition as IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit Q4 2013.
- Identify funding partners for Garfield County Interpretive Sign Project.
- Identify funding partners to maximize success of community and educational projects and materials.
- Track inquiries from CTO ad and
- Track distribution of NWCCHT materials in welcome centers and educational institutions.
- Northwest Colorado Energy Trail Feasibility Study– establish Task Force and secure funding for project.
- Utilize Google Analytics and other tracking mechanisms to measure and compare market performance of: and
- Identify regional partners for participation in travel surveys with specific focus on habits of cultural travelers to the region.
2013 Grant Projects
State Historical Fund and Routt County Museum and Heritage Fund grants to Gateway Interpretive Signs for Jackson, Routt, Moffat and Rio Blanco County: Installation of completed signs projected for summer 2013.
Initiate Short Video project that features 10 of the 20 Forces of Nature and Ways of Life interpretive themes with initial funding from Colorado Creates Grant award of $10,000. Leverage additional funds to maximize success of this educational project.
2013 NWCCHT Marketing and Educational Materials & Web Presence
- Local / Regional Education and Outreach Materials
- Community Rack Card Collection is available in over 20 community, educational centers and visitor centers throughout the region.
- NWCCHT Regional Brochure – 50,000 Published– over 40 points of distribution.
- Colorado Official State Visitor Guide 800,000 national distribution.
- Web – 50,000 banner impressions.
Accomplishments Colorado Tourism
- Colorado Tourism funded a Master Interpretive and Branding Plan in 2009 to promote preservation and economic development through cultural heritage tourism in Routt, Moffat, Jackson, and Rio Blanco. The Plan, developed by Jackie Noble of Noble Erickson Inc. and Mimi Mather of Belt Collins, set three to five year goals and objectives for Northwest Colorado Cultural Heritage Tourism. Implementing the master plan has resulted in the following accomplishments.
- Established integrated interpretive themes and storylines for the region.
- Developed NWCCHT Brand. ? Designed regional brochure (15,000 qty printed and distributed – December 2009).
- Launched ? Designed iconic community cards for 11 communities in the original four county program (5,000 qty of each community printed).
- Design and fabrication of Gateway Community signs for placement at significant visitor centers and parks. Up to seven signs will be installed in 2013. ? Formal integration of Garfield County into a new regional brochure.
- Created Garfield County community cards. ? Created introductory Energy Trail card.
- Conceptualized development of Northwest Colorado Energy Trail Master Plan/Feasibility Study Task Force.
- Design/place 2 page NWCCHT cooperative Ad for Colorado Official State visitor Guide promoting all five counties and eighteen communities. Includes banner ads on
- Enhanced website to include Blog, Itinerary, and Newsletter:
- Raised over $300,000 in grant and matching funds since fall 2008 for master/interpretive plan development, marketing, educational materials, website and interpretive sign development.